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Fa. Johannes Spreitzer

Senior Fullstack Software Developer
Focused On Java Technologies


German, English, Spanish

Master’s Degree in Media+Computer Science, TU Vienna (2010)

Backend / Java Technologies

Akka, Android Stack, AssertJ, BIRT, bucket4j, CDI, Dagger, Flying Saucer, Freemarker, Generics, Google Gson, Google Guice, Google Guava, Hamcrest, Hibernate/JPA, Hibernate Search, Java SE, JAX‑B, JAX‑RS, JSF, JSP, JUnit, JWT, Liquibase, log4j, logback, Lombok, Lucene, Mapstruct, Mockito, PDFBox, POI, Reflection, Servlet, Shiro, SLF4J, Struts, Spring Boot, Swagger/OpenAPI, Thymeleaf, Tomcat, Vaadin Flow, Wildfly

DB: DB2, mongoDB, MS Access, mySql, SQL, SQLite

Tools: Artifactory, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, SonarQube

Person from behind - 'backend'
Person from fron - 'frontend'

Frontend / Web Technologies


a11y (Accessibility/WCAG), Angular, Bootstrap, ExtJS, GWT, jQuery (+Mobile), Samsung SmartTV, Sencha Touch, WordPress Plugin Development

Server: Apache httpd, nginx


Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Premiere, Amazon Lightsail/AWS, Android, API Design, Apple macOS, Arduino, Async Development, Bitbucket, Bitnami LAMP Stack, Clean Code, Docassemble Expert System, Docker, Eclipse, ESP32, ESP8266, Functional Programming / Lambda Expressions / Method References, Git, Google App Engine, IntelliJ, IoT, Jira, LaTeX, Let’s Encrypt CA, Linux Bash, LoRa, Media processing, Microservice architecture, Modellierung (ER/UML), MS Office, MS Teams, MS Windows, OpenVPN, OWASP ZAP, PlantUML, Postman, Proxmox VE, Raspberry Pi, Slack, SSH, SVN, Syncthing, Testdriven Development (TDD), TFS, Trello, Ubuntu Linux, VBA, VirtualBox, VMWare


Visit my blog to see some projects



Get help with your next project!

> curl -L contact.zeitwesentech.com
{“name”: “Johannes Spreitzer“,
 “tel” : “+436803026367“,
 “mail”: “sayhi@zeitwesentech.com “,
 “web” : “zeitwesentech.com“}

Profiles: XING, LinkedIn, Freelancermap